Avoid Lower Back Pain With These 3 Simple Tips
One of the main reasons people visit physicians is due to pain, and many times those visits are to discover the reason for lower back pain. Statistics show that nine out of ten adults will experience back pain at some time during their lives for one reason or another.
Suffering with lower back pain can make even simple tasks such as bending down to tie your shoelaces or standing for 10 minutes in a bank queue unbearable. And because the best way to fix back pain is to prevent it from happening in the first place, we're going to look at three of the major causes so you can take steps to avoid back pain being a part of your life.
Cause #1 - Incorrect Posture
The most common cause of lower back pain is due to the way we sit and how often we do it. For most people, especially those who work in an office environment, our daily lives require us to sit a lot of the time. You will most likely be sitting for many hours each day whenever you are traveling, working at home or in an office, or watching television.
If you are the type of person to slouch down with your legs crossed and head tilted forward while sitting, then there's no doubt that you will develop lower back or neck pain in the future. To prevent this, sit upright with your feet flat on the floor. Always perform a posture check every now and again until your bad sitting habits are overcome.
Cause #2 - Not Getting Enough Regular Exercise
This may not be the cause itself, but if you have strong muscles it is less likely that you will develop lower back pain. Regular exercise will build up the muscle around the spine to help support it.
Even if you are somebody who exercises every day, by neglecting your back muscles, you'll have a high probability of developing pain in that region in the future. That's because you'll start to develop a muscle imbalance, and this typically occurs in people who work out using their front muscles, but who ignore exercising the muscles in their back.
Cause #3 - Suffering From A Degenerative Disc Disease
Unlike the other causes of lower back pain, degenerative disc disease is not something you can prevent. It happens when the discs in your spine lose their strength, and gets worse as they stop absorbing the impact your body's natural movement generates. This disc damage causes your spine to become stiff, which makes it very hard to move around. There are a number of stages to this disease (hence the name degenerative), so it's always a good idea to have your back checked by a doctor or somebody who who specializes in the spine.
Knowing these three causes of lower back pain will help you avoid developing it in the future. If you are a victim of degenerative disc disease, be sure to consult with an expert so they can come up with a treatment plan that is right for you.
Suffering with lower back pain can make even simple tasks such as bending down to tie your shoelaces or standing for 10 minutes in a bank queue unbearable. And because the best way to fix back pain is to prevent it from happening in the first place, we're going to look at three of the major causes so you can take steps to avoid back pain being a part of your life.
Cause #1 - Incorrect Posture
The most common cause of lower back pain is due to the way we sit and how often we do it. For most people, especially those who work in an office environment, our daily lives require us to sit a lot of the time. You will most likely be sitting for many hours each day whenever you are traveling, working at home or in an office, or watching television.
If you are the type of person to slouch down with your legs crossed and head tilted forward while sitting, then there's no doubt that you will develop lower back or neck pain in the future. To prevent this, sit upright with your feet flat on the floor. Always perform a posture check every now and again until your bad sitting habits are overcome.
Cause #2 - Not Getting Enough Regular Exercise
This may not be the cause itself, but if you have strong muscles it is less likely that you will develop lower back pain. Regular exercise will build up the muscle around the spine to help support it.
Even if you are somebody who exercises every day, by neglecting your back muscles, you'll have a high probability of developing pain in that region in the future. That's because you'll start to develop a muscle imbalance, and this typically occurs in people who work out using their front muscles, but who ignore exercising the muscles in their back.
Cause #3 - Suffering From A Degenerative Disc Disease
Unlike the other causes of lower back pain, degenerative disc disease is not something you can prevent. It happens when the discs in your spine lose their strength, and gets worse as they stop absorbing the impact your body's natural movement generates. This disc damage causes your spine to become stiff, which makes it very hard to move around. There are a number of stages to this disease (hence the name degenerative), so it's always a good idea to have your back checked by a doctor or somebody who who specializes in the spine.
Knowing these three causes of lower back pain will help you avoid developing it in the future. If you are a victim of degenerative disc disease, be sure to consult with an expert so they can come up with a treatment plan that is right for you.
About the Author:
Learn more about back pain relief by visiting our site. Stop by and learn more about getting rid of back pain naturally in this blog post.

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